Identification of modules and key genes associated with breast cancer subtypes through network analysis

Weighted gene co-expression network analysis


Breast cancer is the most common malignancy in women around the world. Intratumor and intertumoral heterogeneity persist in mammary tumors. Therefore, the identification of biomarkers is essential for the treatment of this malignancy. This study analyzed 28,143 genes expressed in 49 breast cancer cell lines using a Weighted Gene Co-expression Network Analysis to determine specific target proteins for Basal A, Basal B, Luminal A, Luminal B, and HER2 ampl breast cancer subtypes. Sixty-five modules were identified, of which five were characterized as having a high correlation with breast cancer subtypes. Genes overexpressed in the tumor were found to participate in the following mechanisms: regulation of the apoptotic process, transcriptional regulation, angiogenesis, signaling, and cellular survival. In particular, we identified the following genes, considered as hubs: IFIT3, an inhibitor of viral and cellular processes; ETS1, a transcription factor involved in cell death and tumorigenesis; ENSG00000259723 lncRNA, expressed in cancers; AL033519.3, a hypothetical gene; and TMEM86A, important for regulating keratinocyte membrane properties, considered as a key in Basal A, Basal B, Luminal A, Luminal B, and HER2 ampl breast cancer subtypes, respectively. The modules and genes identified in this work can be used to identify possible biomarkers or therapeutic targets in different breast cancer subtypes.

Scientific Reports
Edgardo Galán Vásquez
Edgardo Galán Vásquez
Investigador Asociado C

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